Managing Money
Student Loan Refinancing Options

Meet Alexis: Who Saved $50,000 By Refinancing Student Loans

January 7, 2021


A typical day for Alexis Kuhner involves tending to her full house of pets and enjoying life with her husband. You can find her reading, exploring the city, or researching their next travel destination. We’re going to take you through how Alexis saved 50,000 dollars by refinancing student loans. Let’s start with her college journey.

Alexis’s Journey to Refinancing Student Loans

Since graduating from the University of Scranton in 2016, she has assumed many roles in the financial industry and currently resides in Brampton, New York. “I never thought that I would be interested in the accounting role that I currently hold,” says Alexis, “I love it, and it keeps me on my toes.”

A native to Philadelphia, Alexis holds a Bachelor of Business Administration. Since graduating in 2016, she has loved business and crunching the numbers. When it came time to pay for her education, she turned to loans.

Alexis acquired loans from the Department of Education and private student loans to fund her education. She had been making multiple payments each month with a fixed interest rate that did not even compare to how much she was paying in principle at the time.

With the long-term future in mind, she knew it was time to refinance.

Turning a New Leaf

After searching among different refinancing options, she one day stumbled across LendKey’s website. “When I clicked on the website, I thought to myself, ‘Hmm, let’s see what they have to offer,’” says Alexis. “It was the best offer I had received, and after talking with a friendly representative, I was hooked on LendKey’s simplicity and options.”

Alexis chose to refinance with LendKey. Amid her wedding planning and preparing to move with her husband, she says that it was one of the best financial decisions she could make.

Refinancing Student Loans is Key

Since choosing to refinance and start the process alongside LendKey, Alexis has thoroughly enjoyed communication ease. When it comes to finances, transparency, and open communication are key.

“Each time I was on the phone with a representative, they were patient and willing to find the answer if they were unsure,” says Alexis. “It has been truly wonderful.”

With many loans on her plate, Alexis found the journey to go a lot simpler than expected. Since refinancing student loans, Alexis has saved an estimate $490 a month. Since choosing LendKey, she is on track to save $50,000, if not more, with her variable interest rate.

“I am at ease paying each month since I know in the long-run I will reach financial freedom,” says Alexis.

Next Steps 

After refinancing student loans, Alexis remains delighted to have the burden of student loans lifted. Since refinancing, Alexis and her husband have purchased their dream home due to their financial security. They have filled it with love and furry friends. Her husband is on track to graduate with his Master’s in the spring, and they are looking forward to refinancing his loans that he has left to pay. The happy couple is hoping to have a child soon and currently saving for that next step.

Advice to Self

Alexis is not the same person she was when she graduated in 2016. Her most significant piece of advice is to ask questions and review all your options available. She also notes that it is essential to know the loans you have and their terms beyond the surface.

Are you Next?

Overall, Alexis will save upwards of $50,000 by refinancing student loans. If you find yourself struggling to make payments or feel that you can qualify for a lower interest rate, explore our student loan refinancing page or our blog for more information.

Please note that the information provided on this website is provided on a general basis and may not apply to your own specific individual needs, goals, financial position, experience, etc. LendKey does not guarantee that the information provided on any third-party website that LendKey offers a hyperlink to is up-to-date and accurate at the time you access it, and LendKey does not guarantee that information provided on such external websites (and this website) is best-suited for your particular circumstances. Therefore, you may want to consult with an expert (financial adviser, school financial aid office, etc.) before making financial decisions that may be discussed on this website.